Liang Luo
E-mail: luoliang@mail.hzau.edu.cn
research direction: Statistical physics and its applications in biolo gical systems, analysis of single-molecule imaging data, quantitative analysis of bacterial metabolic networks and cooperate with laboratories to analyze real biological phenomena based
Haiyou Deng
E-mail: hydeng@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Research Interest: Bioinformatics, particularly protein structure and function prediction, The design and construction of (knowledge-based) energy function, Biological software development, Data Mining.
Yuangen Yao
E-mail: yyg@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Research interests: Biologicalomicsdata analysis, biological network dynamics analysis and dynamics of pattern spatio-temporal.
Quan Liu
Research interests: Researchon the application of nonlinear statistical physics in biology.
Juan Xiong
E-mail: xiong@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Research interests: Research on Quark matter theoryand quantitative biophysics.